Stupa Project in Ladakh 2021-2022

Through the power of the perfection of diligent and patience, may this stupa be an object through which thousands of people accumulate merits for generations and generations and may the merits brings peace and happiness for all the sentient beings and may dharma exists on this world as long as the sentient beings exists on this world.
Projec of Stupa construction in Ladah 2021-2022
Stupa is a powerful symbol of the mind’s limitless potential. As they represent the mind of enlightenment. This stupa is filled with 5000 sacred Tsa Tsa, millions of 26 different mantras and three version of pragya paramita sutra ( perfection of wisdom sutra) in total 16 volumes along with the collection of mantras one volume, and the relics of buddha offered by venerable Rigzin, blessed pieces of clothes from HIS EMINENCE GADEN TRIPA, HIS EMINENCE THIKSAY Rinpoche, His eminence Geshe Nawang Sangye and also blessed pills of four tantra by H.E. GADEN TRIPA and many other sacred pills from Tibet and many other monasteries
“A stupa is a palace where all the buddhas are abiding. Those beings who don’t have the karma actually to see buddha need the holy objects of body, speech and mind – statues, scriptures, stupas – as a field for accumulating merit.” Guhyasamaja text (one of the higher tantras)
- May the world be free from pandemic,
- May those who are hungry gets food,
- May those who are thirsty gets drink,
- May those who are sick gets recover,
- May those who are stressed find peace,
- May those who are separated gets united,
- May those who are in samsara achieve Nirvana,
- May Tymon Diep Luc find peace and happiness in all the lives and be born in pure land.
What is stupa
Stupa is one of the most recognizable forms of Buddhist architecture, dotting the landscape in all Buddhist countries, their style differs from culture to culture, but the basic structure remains the same.
There is five types of stupas:
- relic stupa, containing the remains of the Buddha and his disciples;
- object stupa, containing objects that belonged to the Buddha or his disciples;
- commemorative stupa, marking an event in the Buddha’s life;
- symbolic stupa, representing aspects of Buddhist teachings;
- votive stupa, erected to make a dedication or to accumulate merit.
To build a stupa, transmissions from a qualified Buddhist Teacher are necessary. When visiting a stupa, practitioners circumambulate it clockwise as a meditation practice, focusing on the endless cycle of rebirth (samsara) and the eightfold path that leads to freedom from suffering.
Every stupa contains a treasury filled with various objects — small offerings, or Tsa-Tsas, the majority of the treasury, while jewelry and other precious objects are also placed within. The more objects placed into the treasury, the stronger the stupa’s energy.
The Stick of Life, a wooden pole covered with gems and mantras , is an important element of every stupa and is placed in the stupa’s central channel during an initiation ceremony, where participants’ most powerful wishes are stored.
Structure of a stupa.
- Stupa different sections have various symbolic meanings, its basic shape represents the seated Buddha when he achieved enlightenment:
- Square base (4 immeasurables): the Buddha’s crossed legs as he sat on the earth;
- Middle section (Bumpa), the hemisphere or mound, is the Buddha’s body;
- Conical spire at the top: the Buddha’s head.
- Stick of Life, a wooden pole within the stupa, the Buddha’s spine or central channel (avadhuti).
Stupa is a powerful symbol of the mind’s limitless potential as they represent the mind of enlightenment.
Benefits of building a stupa.
- Equal the number of atoms of the stupa and as long as the stupa exists.
- Sentient beings accumulate extensive merit by making offerings to holy objects, and from this merit happiness comes.
- As soon as a stupa is completed, in that very second it becomes an object with which beings can create the cause of happiness. Having one more holy object gives sentient beings one more opportunity to create merit.
- Continued existence and flourishing of the teachings of the Buddha depend upon continued existence of the holy objects of Buddha.
- Purpose of making holy objects is not only so that the person who makes them can complete their collection of merit; it also gives many other sentient beings, who do not have the karma actually to meet Buddha and make offerings to him, the opportunity to make offerings to the holy body, holy speech, holy mind.
Project of Stupa construction in Ladakh 2021 by Lama Nawang Kunphel
The stupa of the project is filled with:
-5000 sacred Tsa Tsa,
-millions of 26 different mantras,
-three version of Prajna Paramita Sutra (Perfection of Wisdom Sutra) in total 16 volumes along with the collection of mantras one volume,
-the relics of buddha offered by venerable Rigzin,
-blessed pieces of clothes from HIS EMINENCE GADEN TRIPA, HIS EMINENCE THIKSAY Rinpoche, His eminence Geshe Nawang Sangye
-blessed pills of four tantra by H.E. GADEN TRIPA
-and many other sacred pills from Tibet and many other monasteries
Thanks to all who supported with time and effort
Through the power of the perfection of diligence and patience,
- May this stupa be an object through which thousands of people accumulate merits for generations and generations and
- May the merits brings peace and happiness for all the sentient beings and
- May dharma exists on this world as long as the sentient beings exists on this world.
The Stupa project in Ladakh 2021-2022